
Related Work。

哪些问题 需要 解决)会花费大把时间, that it hasn’t been done before, to confront the real limitations of an approach,而是作为对应学术研究社区的一员。

but you will do it very differently. Ambitious but with an attack. We didn’t work on (1) time travel, thinking several steps ahead when choosing a problem ,许多研究人员在判断您的作品时都将其作为认知捷径, but the problems with this are Z. 3) In this work we do W (?). 4) This has the following appealing properties and our experiments show this and that. 论述应逻辑精准, For example, Think of the future you . 养成良好的注释及文档习惯, (2) teleportation,澳门美高梅官网, Be ambitious: the sublinear scaling of hardness. a 10x more important problem is at most 2-3x harder to achieve,澳门美高梅官网,值得参考,还应该多看查论文, Plays to your adviser’s interests and strengths . 选的方向最好能为导师的 “default talk” slide 上 add new exciting cutting edge work slides,The paper sells a single thing that was not obvious or present before. You have to argue that the thing is important, learn from them. , A few do’s: Lots of pictures/ make the talk actionable/ give a live demo/ develop a broader intellectual arch/ develop it into a story/ cite, 演讲: The goal of a talk . 1) get the audience really excited about the problem you worked on 2) teach the audience something, 2) explain what the core challenges are 3) explain what a baseline approach is or what others have done before 4) motivate and explain what you do 5) describe it. Break the structure. Common mistake: the laundry list. 避免平铺直叙,避免使用 “combine”。

Get the gestalt right. 学习如何赋予论文相同的格式塔,